MAX 16 Bay
Smart Medical Delivery Robot
Automated delivery; improved efficiency
One of the simplest yet most time-consuming actions in the workplace is item delivery. Getting items and objects from A to B can take time out of your employees’ day that could be used more effectively on more skilled tasks, yet the current workplace still needs someone to perform item transportation.
That is where The Smart Medical Delivery Robot can change any workplace dramatically, providing a more efficient, streamlined delivery system and freeing up employees to carry out their duties without the inconvenience of transporting items. By taking over the transportation of items, The Smart Medical Delivery Robot safely and quickly moves around the workspace to get things where they need to be, easily.
Already performing duties in a wide range of industries, The Delivery Robot can be utilised in almost any workplace. To list but a few:
Care facilities
Shops and outlets

The possibilities of items The Smart Medical Delivery Robot can transport is also endless, with the ability to carry up to 10kg on each of its four shelving layers. Items such as meals, medicines, office equipment, work tools, warehouse stock, shop stock and mail can be swiftly delivered to where they need to be. With the capacity to carry much more than a human and transport it much quicker, the workplace becomes much more efficient and productive.
The Delivery Robot is spectacularly simplistic to operate, with multiple control options allowing accessibility tailored to suit any workplace. Supporting touch screen technology, voice interaction and mobile phone applications, staff can employ the robot with ease no matter their technological skill level.
The design of The Delivery Robot has been carefully developed to include an advanced range of abilities and functions. These include:
Multiple delivery system options including a stack of four shelves, an enclosed cabin and a pronged tree for hooking items onto.
Movement over many terrains such as carpet, concrete, wood and tiles.
The ability to bear weight up to 40kg.
Flexible automated obstacle avoidance.
Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity.
Positioning accuracy within centimetres.
Automatic recharging with a battery capacity of up to 10hrs of constant operation.
Can pass though automatic doors, take elevators and navigate electronic gates.
